
Natural Health Practitioner Proram
Requirements: 13 courses - 50 credits
Natural Health Practitioners empower clients to embrace and sustain a healthy lifestyle and good behaviors to prevent, mitigate and reverse acute and chronic disease using Traditional African Medicine practices. Singular herbs, natural supplement and exercise are recommended to find a healthy balance between the mind, body and spirit.
Natural Health Practitioner students must complete the following courses:
Introduction to African History and Herbal Medicine provides historical details of disease and health care of blacks in Antebellum Virginia, the Deep South.
Christianity and Herbal Medicine is designed to provide an in-depth introduction to the concepts of general healing methods directly related to alternative medicine from a Christian or faith-based perspective.
Meditation and Prayer is designed to provide a spiritual foundation. Learners will discover how spending time with God, in silence, can improve mental and physical health, welcome peace and most importantly enrich their relationship with Him.
Herbarium is the collection of dried plants.To develop a herbarium, plant specimens are collected and prepared.
Materia Medica is concerned with the study of herbs used to manage disease. It literally means healing materials. To be more specific materia medica provides a body of knowledge that describes the use of phyto-medicine over time.
The Nutrition and Health course is designed to provide learners with a detailed comprehension of the fundamental concept of human health and nutrition.
Human Anatomy and Physiology I is the study of the structure and function of the human biology including cells, tissues and organs.
Herbal Medicine I is the study of herbal medicine and its use as an alternative form of medicine. Herbal medicine practitioners use plant seeds, oils, flowers and bark for medicinal purposes.
Aromatherapy course is designed to provide learners with a scientific foundation of physiological and psychological healing through the use of essential oils.
African History and Herbal Medicine I is designed to provide an all-inclusive evaluation of healthcare disparities among African Americans in the Old South and whites.
Human Anatomy and Physiology II is the study of the structure and function of the human biology including cells, tissues and organs.
Legal Ethical Professional Issues is designed to help learners gain a comprehensive understanding of occupational licensing and how to practice as an unlicensed practitioner without legal difficulties.
Natural Health Practitioner Practical Exam measures student’s minimal competence of Indigenous Medicine and Traditional African Practice knowledge needed to be a safe natural health practitioner. To successfully complete this requirement, students are expected to have general knowledge of natural healing theories, herbal medicine, aromatherapy, and general traditional practices.
Grading Requirements
In determining a student’s grade, consideration of natural aptitude, presentation, creativity and originality is analyzed. Student grades are determined independently of other students and shall be related to the student’s mastery of the material.
Passing grades are A or B. Students must receive at least an 80 average in order to meet course requirements. Exceptionally good performance demonstrates superior understanding of the subject matter, a foundation of extensive knowledge, and a skill use of concepts and/or material: is awarded an “A”. Where as, good performance demonstrating capacity to use the appropriate concepts, a good understanding of the subject matter, and an ability to handle the problems and materials encountered in the subject: is awarded a “B”. Non-passing grades will be awarded an “F”: this grade signifies that the student has failed the course and must repeat the subject to receive credit.
Course exams may be resubmitted twice.The second retake can only receive an 80%.The third retake has a resubmission fee of $35.
Potential Entry Level Job Titles:
Natural Health Practitioner
Wellness Consultant
Potential Entry Level Salary Range:
$20K to $60K